lesson 1
lesson 2
lesson 3
lesson 4
lesson 5
Promotion Basics
Color Codes
Tag Dictonary
Webmaster Resources

  • Fun with Text!

Now that you have started your web page lets put something in it! This lesson gets you going with text. As we discussed in lesson 1 everything the viewer see's goes inside the body tags. Lets start with headings.

  • Headings

There are six different styles of headings. The largest is <H1>type heading here </H1> and the smallest is <H6> heading here </H6>. Notice how we open and close the tags on either side of the heading. Now type this


   <H1>Heading 1</H1>
   <H2>Heading 2</H2>
   <H3>Heading 3</H3>
   <H4>Heading 4</H4>
   <H5>Heading 5</H5>
   <H6>Heading 6</H6>


 Save as an HTML document like we talked about in lesson 1 to your desktop. See it sitting there ...now double click it to open. You will have a white web page with heading 1 (2...3..4...ect) in six different sizes.

Now you can only have 1 heading per line. These are meant for title's. 

  • Paragraphs

If you do not format your text it will all align left and keep on running. you make a new paragraph using the <P> </P> tags. you can align your paragraph left right or center by adding the alignment into the <P>tag like this <p align="center"> notice the quotation marks around center. replace center with right or left depending where you want the paragraph to go.

  • Line Break

If you want to end a line and start a new one us the <BR> tag. You do not close <BR> tags. Just <BR> that's it and you have a line break.

  • Font styles

Changing your font. You do this by using the <FONT></FONT> tags. Inside these tags you can specify the color style and size of the font like this <FONT FACE="poor richard" SIZE="4" COLOR="#C0C0C0"> type here </FONT>. Notice that the color is a number. Refer to the color code page for a full selection of color codes. Try it!

  • Other Text Tags

while we are having fun with text try the bold tag <B>text here </B>. Italicized text is <I>text here </I>.

Practice with all this for a while and I'll see you in lesson 3